Sample ANSI Screens Library r2.00 Compiled by Doug Feuerbach The Event Horizon 615-595-7717 Fidonet 1:3615/3 (except between May 6th - Aug 22nd) Because of popular demand and interest expressed to me, through net mail or otherwise, I have compiled a few ANSI screens that I use on my board (via Multi-Screen). This list represents only a fragment of the total library that I personally use, and was picked with little bias toward any single ANSI screen. I have decided, with each new release of Multi-Screen, to include a new library of ZIPed ANSI screens as well. The new libraries will also be posted on my board for those of you who would like to get just the new ANSI libraries. You may notice that all the screens are personalized for my system and will require the use of a tool (such as TheDraw) to personalize them to your own taste. Finally, if you have a fine collection of ANSI screens that you would like to FREQ to my system (ZIPed and with a net mail letter letting me know), 1:3615/3, I will gladly take them into my own library (and probably include them in a later library such as this). Thank you, Doug Feuerbach